Amazon Niche Link Builders: For Beginners

One of the most trusted names in affiliate program is This program rewards affiliates on a commission basis once a person buys something on Amazon through his or her website. If you have a website that offers vacuum seal bags, and that your visitor clicks on you affiliate link to Amazon and buys the product, automatically you will get 4% of the commission and not only that, if the visitor buys other products on that same day, you will get more commission.

The Amazon affiliate program is one of the most lucrative if you use its full advantage. You will find great products to promote if you do your keyword research well as well as create content and make sure that it gets click. You also need to create a useful site for anyone who searches the web and copying Amazon product description and expect high conversion will never work.

One of the affiliates mistakes in failing to earn money from Amazon is that recreate their website which is not created for Amazon and then they simply add banners and links then hope that they will be able to get a sale. In reality, this strategy barely works and if they do work, its cpm is not profitable.

If you really want to make money with Amazon, you have to build the site from ground up in order for you to monetize your site with Amazon. You have to start off by choosing the best niche on Amazon products and then do intensive keyword research that is specifically for buying phrases, create content in order for you to sell your Amazon products, create website design and convert people to buy your product. Planning everything is the best way to synchronize everything and create high conversions on Amazon websites.

There should be NO ADSENSE on your website. Most often beginners try to place ads on their website in the hopes that they have a higher chance of making money. But if you build website that is specifically for Amazon niche you will lose money if you place Adsense ads. Most visitors on your site will be reluctant in giving you their trust, maybe some of them will click your adsense ads but most often they will leave your site in which they could have brought something of great value for you to make a commission.

If you are earning more money by placing adsense on your Amazon site, then there must be something wrong and for that you have to optimize your website for a higher conversion rate if not you are simply leaving money on the table. You can refer more facts from this foodsaver reviews page.

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